CCNA1 ITN Module 2

Date Subject Lesson Plan
09/19/23 CCNA1

Review Module 1 Test (Your assessment as to what you need to go back and LEARN)

Link: Module 2 Reading Organizer

Discussion: What's Module 2 about?

Discussion: Module 2 Tour

Read: 2.0.1 Why should I take this module?

Read: 2.0.2 What will I learn to do in this module?

Activity: Distribute spiral-bound notebooks

Read: 2.1.1 Operating Systems

Read: 2.1.2 GUI

Read: 2.1.3 Purpose of an OS

Read: 2.1.4 Access Methods
Video: Cisco IOS Access Methods (6:01)

Read: 2.1.5 Terminal Emulation Programs
Video: Find out why you need a terminal emulator with Cisco gear (4:27)

Activity: Download/install TeraTerm and create desktop shortcut

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Cisco IOS Access

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 1-10


LearnKey - Domain 3: Hardware - RAM Video: RAM (8:35)
Assignment: RAM Types and Channels worksheet (pg. 53)
Watch video using your listening device and answer the 8 questions. Please put your name on the top right of the page.


Work Smart! - Write down commands in your spiral-wire notebook as you learn them. Do not depend on your memory. You will be able to use your notebook on labs including the final lab.

a. In-band vs. Out-of-band access methods.
b. What is a dumb terminal
c. What is the difference between a terminal and a monitor?

Discussion: Binary Math - IPv4 Address Classes & ANDing pgs. 7-8 (15 minutes)

Review: 2.1 Device access methods (In-band vs. Out-of-band)

Activity: Download/install TeraTerm and create desktop shortcut

Read: 2.2.1 Primary Command Modes

(Follow along below using 2960 Switch in Packet Tracer)

Discussion: 2.2.2 Configuration Mode and Subconfiguration Modes

Embedded Video: 2.2.3 IOS CLI Primary Command Modes (2:33)

Read: 2.2.4 Navigate Between IOS Modes

Video: 2.2.5 - Navigate Between IOS Modes (3:52)

Read: 2.2.6 A Note About Syntax Checker Activities['

Activity: Syntax Checker - Navigate Between IOS Modes

Activity: Check Your Understanding - IOS Navigation

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 11-25

  A+ Hardware

Link: Power Supply Calculator

Read: Memory Modules
Video: Professor Messer: Overview of Memory (7:50)

Video: Kingston DDR4 Overview

Review: Memory
Read: Memory Modules

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Memory

09/21/23 CCNA1

Review Video: CBTNugg 100-101 #08: "Configuring a Cisco Device - Programs and Console Connections (29:56)

Start Module 2, Section 3 - The Command Structure

Read: 2.3.1 Basic IOS Command Structure

Read: 2.3.2 IOS Command Syntax Check

Read: 2.3.3 IOS Help Features

Embedded Video: IOS Help Features (4:02)

Read: 2.3.5 Hot Keys and Shortcuts

Embedded Video: 2.3.6 Hot Keys and Shortcuts (6:01)

Learning Goal: Learn different help features, hotkeys, and shortcuts.

PT: 2.3.7 Navigating the IOS

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 26-31

  A+ Hardware

Review Video: YouTube: Professor Messer: Motherboard Chipsets (6:43)

Read: Adapter Cards
Video: Professor Messer: Expansion Cards (4:54)

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Adapter Cards and Expansion Slots
Video: LearnKey Domain 3, Section 3.4.7
Assignment: LearnKey Worksheet: Expansion Cards

Read: Types of Storage Devices
Video: Professor Messer: Storage Devices (9:21)

Read: Storage Device Interfaces
Video: Professor Messer: PATA Drive Cables (3:49)
Video: Professor Messer: SATA Drive Cables (2:33)

09/22/23 CCNA1

The console cables are already attached to the PCs. Please do not remove them.
When you are done with the lab, shut down PC and turn-off power to the networking rack.

Classwork/Homework: Watch Video: YouTube: Cisco IOS for Beginners - Part 1 (10:36)
Classwork/Homework: Watch Video: YouTube: Cisco IOS for Beginners - Part 2 (11:50)

Lab: 2.3.8 Navigate the IOS by Using Tera Term for Console Connectivity (Do Optional USB console cable section. Driver for USB console on CNA drive).



Read: Magnetic Media Storage

Read: Semiconductor Storage

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Data Storage Devices

Video: LearnKey: Domain 3, Section 3.3 Hard Drives (9:05)
Assignment: LearnKey Worksheet: Hard Drives

Read: Types of Optical Storage Devices

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Types of Optical Media

09/25/23 CCNA1

Activity: Open a console connection to a 2960 switch. Have your spiral-bound notebook open to record commands that you will learn today.

Read: 2.4.1 Device Names

Read: 2.4.2 Password Guidlines

Read: 2.4.3 Configure Passwords

Read: 2.4.4 Encrypt Passwords

Read 2.4.5 Banner Messages

Video: 2.4.6 Secure Administrative Access to a Switch (6:56)

Activity: 2.4.7 Syntax Checker - Basic Device Configuration

Activity: 2.4.8 Check Your Understanding - Basic Device Configuration

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 32-41

  A+ Hardware

Assignment: LearnKey Worksheet: Removable Storage
Video: Domain 3: Removable Storage

Video: LearnKey: Domain 3, Section 3.3 Hard Drives (9:05)
Assignment: LearnKey Worksheet: Hard Drives

09/26/23 CCNA1

Activity: Download and install Putty

Review: Hostname, passwords, banner configurations.

Start Module 2, Section 5 - Save Configurations

Read: 2.5.1 Configuration Files

Read: 2.5.2 Alter the Running Configuration

Embedded Video: 2.5.3 Alter the Running Configuration

Read: 2.5.4 Capture Configuration to a Text File

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 42-51

Homework: Practice at home if needed! Do not get behind!! Practice makes perfect!


Video: LearnKey Domain 3: Basic Cable Types (25:53)
Assignment: LearnKey Worksheet: Network Cables

09/27/23 CCNA1

Video: CBTNugg 10: "Working with the Cisco IOS" (38:14)

PT: 2.5.5 Configure Initial Switch Settings
**Walk through with students

Start: Module 2, Section 6 - Ports and Addresses

Read: 2.6.1 IP Addresses

Read: 2.6.2 Interfaces and Ports

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Ports and Addresses

Start Module 2, Section 7 - Configure IP Addressing

Read: 2.7.1 Manual IP Address Configuration for End Devices

Read: 2.7.2 Automatic IP Address Configuration for End Devices

Activity: Syntax Checker - Verify Windows PC IP Configuration

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 52-59


Review: 1.2.6 Hard Disk Drives and SSDs
Read: Types of Storage Devices
Read: Storage Device Interfaces
Read: Magnetic Media Storage
Read: Semiconductor SAtorage
Activity: Check Your Understanding - Data Storage Devices

Review: 1.2.7 Optical Storage Devices
Read: Types of Optical Storage Devices
Activity: Check Your Understanding - Types of Optical Media

Read: Video Ports and Cables

Video LearnKey: Domain 3: HDMI, Display Port, DVI, and VGA
Assignment: LearnKey worksheet: Video Cables

Read: Other Ports and Cables

Read: Adapters and Converters
Video: Professor Messer: Adapters and Converters (6:27)

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Cables and Connectors

Read: The Original Input Devices - KVM Switch
Video: KVM Switch (10:28)
Server Rack - What is a KVM Switch?

09/28/23 CCNA1

Resource: Password info sheet

Read: 2.7.4 Switch Virtual Interface Configuration

Activity: Syntax Checker - Configure a Switch Virtual Interface

PT: 2.7.6 Implement Basic Connectivity - You'll need to use your spiral-bound notebook (30 min)

Start Module 2, Section 8 - Verify Connectivity

Video Activity: 2.8.1 Video Activity - Test the Interface Assignment (4:36)

Video Activity: 2.8.2 Video Activity - Test End-to-End Connectivity

Start Module 2, Section 9 - Module Practice and Quiz

PT: 2.9.1 Basic Switch and End Device Configuration (assign for homework)

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 60-67


Video LearnKey: Domain 3: USB 2.0, USB 3.0, Serial, Thunderbolt
Assignment: LearnKey Worksheet: Peripheral Cables

09/29/23 CCNA1

PT: 2.9.1 Basic Switch and End Device Configuration (assigned for homework)

Lab: 2.9.2 Basic Switch and End Device Configuration

Read: 2.9.3 What did I learn in this module?

Activity: 2.9.4 Module Quiz - Basic Switch and End Device Configuration

Assignment: Module 2 Reading Organizer questions 66-67 (finish)

Read/Study: Cisco Official Cert Guide, Vol. 1, Chapter 4: Using the Command-Line Interface

Study for Test Module 2

  A+ Hardware

Catch-up day

10/02/23 CCNA1

Once I collect an assignment and return it to students, it's too late to turn the work in!!! I wasn't born yesterday folks!

Review Video: Jason Johnson CCNA1, Module 2 Part 1 (17:47)
Review Video: Jason Johnson CCNA1, Module 2 Part 2 (17:40)

Test: Module 2

Upon taking the unit test, no more late work for that unit will be accepted except those that had an excused absence.

Start Module 3


Review: Power Supplies
Video: Power Supplies
Assignment: Power Supply Installations Worksheet

Read: New Input Devices
Video: Professor Messer: An Overview of PC Input Devices (7:39)

Read: More New Input Devices

Read: Most Recent Input Devices

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Input Devices

Video: Professor Messer: An Overview of Input and Output Devices (2:56)

Read: What are Output Devices?

Read: Monitors and Projectors

Read: VR and AR Headsets
Video: What are Virtual and Augmented Realities? (7:32)

Read: Printers

Read: Speakers and Headphones

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Visual and Auditory Output Device Characteristics